The Power Efficiency Guide by Mark Edwards

Product Summary
Name | : Power Efficiency Guide |
Creator | : Mark Edwards |
Website | : Powẹ |
Price | : $49 |
Promo | : Check Promo! |
Product Description
It is not a secret anymore that people are dependent on the power source and electric. That is because people need that kind of power to run their life.
Unfortunately, there were times when you could not count on the electric company because they might not be able to help you ASAP when there is a blackout.
To make it even worse, you will find a real trouble when the blackout happens at night on the heavy rain in Winter. That is something that was experienced by Mark Edwards, the one who finally invented the Power Efficiency Guide.
He had one of the toughest life experience when it is something related to the electric company. That is why he made his own invention that can simply generate the power that many people needs.
For your information, the guide was written by many years of experiences by Mark Edwards. After that incident in the past, he finally decided that he had to make something that can help him to be independent, in term of the power source.
As the result, the guide was written. For some people who think that this guide will just be a scam, there is nothing wrong with that. However, you can be sure that this guide is not a scam at all.
There are a lot of nice reasons why you might need to get the guide to help you get the power independence in the future.
The first reason is that this guide is the summary of the things that Mark has experimented for many years. Yes, that is something good because you do not need to make the same mistakes as Mark did in the past. You can easily learn all of those good things from the Power Efficiency Guide. This way, you are not going to spend your time for nothing.
The second reason is that this guide is made to help all of those people even though they do not have any kind of experience with any kind of power source. This is something amazing because you do not need to worry about your current electrical skills. Mark Edwards personally stated that even the handicapped people are able to build this kind of power source without any problems.
The third reason is that this guide can simply help you save more than half of your electricity bills every single month. This is something that you should not miss because you will love this kind of technology to create a power source that you need in the future.
Can you imagine if you are able to save 50 dollars every month and it lasts for 10 years? Using a simple calculation, you can easily save 6,000 dollars in ten years. That is something great that you need to have.
Those are some of the reasons why you might need to get this Power Efficiency Guide. For your information, there are a lot of things that you can cover by following all of these guides. Therefore, you should not miss this chance.
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Power Efficiency Guide

The most interesting thing about the “Power Efficiency Guide” is how much energy it has harnessed into promoting a gizmo that CANNOT IN PRINCIPLE work! Anyone who wonders about it, go and look up the first and second laws of thermodynamics.
The reason why electric cars generate electricity is because they have expended energy to get them to a certain speed (so how did they get to go that fast to start with?), or that the driver is going dowhill (so how did the car get to the TOP of the hill?), or that the driver has applied a brake that will convert forward momentum into electricity.
And anyone who has pedalled a push-bike will know that the “multiplying effect” of higher gears does still depend on you pushing the pedals around with an appreciable amount of force.
The only recorded event in history when the human race got something for nothing is when Jesus Christ, the son of God, died on the cross to redeem the sins of mankind… and hey, some people also dispute the theology of THAT, not to mention the historical accuracy of the portrayed event!
The machine is based on a “perpetual motion” model, where he (Mark Edward) says that it powers itself. The truth of the matter is that ANY machine has to waste energy because EVERY machine is NOT a perfect user of the energy it uses to run itself. IF we lived in a world without friction (which this machine has a lot of), then I could see it running quite along time before you would have to “re-energize” it. Because this is a fairy-tale, the machine does produce heat, creates friction, and therefore wastes energy, just like every other machine on the planet. And my question is, what the heck is a “multiplication principle”? Mark suggests that “the multiplication principle translates into inducing a small amount of energy in a system and multiplying it with the spinning principle”. Good luck with that! On a funny note, when I tried to leave the site it came back with, “Click here for your ONLY chance to get even a better deal” (I’m paraphrasing). I clicked on the link and it brought me to the $29 special…. He didn’t want me to pay the $49, but only $29. He didn’t want me to leave without giving him SOMETHING. So, YES. This is a complete scam. BUYER BEWARE!
I am extremely dubious about a machine that makes energy with NO ENERGY SOURCE, at least one is never mentioned. Is this like a perpetual motion machine? It looks like a wind generator but can’t be because that would be too obvious with lots of competition. It can’t use fuel, solar radiation, falling water, or ANYTHING because nobody talks about where the power comes from! Demons running on a treadmill? Nobody is willing to say what this is. There must be a very strong legal contract that nobody tells what is behind this. I absolutely do not believe in magic or in perpetual motion machines. I fully believe the laws of nature and according to her you cannot make energy from nothing! No, there is no “spin principle” that “multiplies energy.” That is scientific nonsense. The thermodynamics law of the conservation of energy has been proven time and time again. Why isn’t anyone willing to expose this? Why won’t anyone mention the SOURCE of the power? I am not interested in how easy it is, how cheap it is, how reliable it is, etc. until I know WHAT this is. I really don’t want to harness demons or magic or fairies or gnomes to generate my power. The total silence on this forces me to pass it up as total quackery.
I first want to know the dimensions of the machine (how big is it?)